Swung Into Blue

[wpaudio url=”https://shadowlight.someprojects.info/wp-content/audio/Sweden-01.mp3″ text=”Swung Into Blue” dl=”0″]

Swung Into Blue The viewer lies on a cot (portable bed) at the base of a narrow wooden silo. A speaker hangs from a long cable and is set into a swinging motion as an atmospheric sound score passes back and forth just over the viewers body in the space hovering above.

Elaine Buckholtz’s work explores the medium of light as both an ephemeral phenomenon and as an intervention to unmask hidden aspects of architectural forms and landscapes. She is interested in poetic renderings that infuse space with image and light.

Floor Vahn’s sound installations traverse new media, engage with composition, gesture to sound/image mappings, synthesis techniques and collaborative improvisation.

The sound is at once luring then disquieting. There is a dim blue light cast in the wooden room and against the far wall a perforated disc of clean white light is spinning in a lulling motion producing a calming effect along the walls of the silo. As the speaker comes to a slowing halt, the next viewer enters the space and lies down to experience the audio-visual score.



Wes Heiss has worked as a farm hand, an auto body technician, a custom guitar builder, a freelance computer animator, a video editor and an architect.

‘I really like the notion that this piece is trying to get away from you and defies your attempt to see it clearly. One can only be present while it slowly and sweetly slips back into the blackness.’

Light Does not Bend

Light Does not Bend – A film of a drawn interpretation of Isaac Newtons book “Optiks”.

Katie Merz lives in New York and can’t speak very well so she must draw everything.

only light can be the ideal vantage point
Albert Einstein

The knitter

The Knitter   The installation shows a woman who lives her life in the shadow of the man, yet holds all the small invisible threads. The installation occupies six rooms. Mirror and lighting give a sense of dizzying cliffs and depth.

Lars Eklöw is an artist, founder and owner of the Kulturmöllan in Lövestad, Skåne.


Millplace is a collective cinema realized through the participation of the visitor-photographer.

Marek Walczak makes possibility spaces for people.

Martin Wattenberg‘s  work centers on the theme of making the invisible visible.

noplace is a project of Creative Capital