Partly Cloudy Structures
Partly Cloudy Structures. A spider-like creature takes up her residency simultaneously online and in the mill. Constantly tracking Lövestad’s local weather forecast she changes her activities…
Ursula Endlicher‘s work resides on the intersection of Internet, performance and multi-media installation. In her practice she bridges the Web and physical reality.
[lovestad][july2010] mashes the pastoral view outside with a generative architecture, combining the real and virtual into a strange discussion between the rural and the urban.
Marek Walczak is an artist who collaborates with as many people as he can.
Rory Solomon is an artist and programmer.
The city is to society as the body is to the mind.
Millplace is a collective cinema realized through the participation of the visitor-photographer.
Marek Walczak makes possibility spaces for people.
Martin Wattenberg‘s work centers on the theme of making the invisible visible.
noplace is a project of Creative Capital