Shadow & Light Poster

Shadow & Light Poster. The poster will also be available as a lamp for sale during the exhibition.

Download a print quality version of poster (8mb) here…

Sara Kim is an artist and designer specializing in web design, data visualizations and publication design.

Shadow Hop

Shadow Hop. The frog, historically a symbol of fertility because of it’s ease of reproducing itself, appears to hop around the center of the wheel. The nature of our perception is to anticipate or expect what is familiar – the gap or lapse of sensory information, a ”shadow” between glimpses in the linear progression, creates a sense of continuity.

Since 1985 Russel Busch has been an independent contractor and consultant for artists and designers

“All parts of the psyche carry shadows, and the Self, as the brightest of all the archetypes carries the darkest shadow of all– one that may or may not be reflected in mirrors.”